Benefits of Organic Pure Cows Ghee
1. Improves memory, strengthens immunity.
2. Eliminates skin dryness and maintains moisture.
3. It is good for eyes as it contains vitamin A.
4. Beneficial for glaucoma patients.
5. It regulates eye pressure.
6. The hormones released by eating ghee keep the body’s joints healthy.
7. Ghee works to heal burn wounds.
খাটি গাওয়া ঘি এর প্রমাণিত উপকারিতা
১। স্মৃতিশক্তি উন্নত করে, রোগ প্রতিরোধ ক্ষমতা শক্তিশালী করে।
২। ত্বকের শুষ্কতা দূর করে ও আর্দ্রতা বজায় রাখে।
৩। ভিটামিন এ থাকায় এটি চোখের জন্য ভালো। গ্লুকোমা রোগীদের জন্য উপকারী। এটি চোখের চাপ নিয়ন্ত্রণ করে।
৪। ঘি খেলে যে হরমোন নিঃসরণ হয়, এতে শরীরের সন্ধিগুলো স্বকৃয় থাকে।
৫। পোড়া ক্ষত সারাতে কাজ করে ঘি।
More Benefits of Organic Pure Cows Ghee:
- It’s All Natural: Starting with the basic ingredients including milk, which is naturally curdled and later this curd is turned into Desi Makkhan from which Organic Pure Cows Ghee is made. Unlike cooking oil, Organic Ghee is ethically sourced and produced naturally.
- Healthy Fats: Fats are important to repair cells, and regulate hormones in order to keep our body healthy. But, cooking oil has polyunsaturated fats that are not safe and certainly unhealthy for human consumption. The reason being these fats oxidize easily causing inflammation and improper body cell regulation. In the longer run, Organic Pure Cows Ghee can result in promoting diseases like cancer, heart problems etc.
- It’s Chemical Free: Vegetable oil manufacturers often make use of added preservatives and chemicals. This shortens the production process and gives a better oil-to-ghee ratio if compared to the Organic Cow Ghee. But this practice makes cooking oils hard to digest, unlike organic ghee.
- Healthy fatty acids: Also, Organic ghee contains higher levels of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) than other cooking oils, a type of healthy fat that helps in weight loss and lowers cholesterol levels. For added advantage, the DHA and CLA in Organic Cow Ghee help increase the metabolism which in turn effectively burns unwanted fat and thus contributes to weight loss
- Supports Body Detox: Butyrate found especially in Organic Pure Cows Ghee is effective in balancing Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the human body and also helps in detoxification of the human body. Organic Pure Cows Ghee is also believed that the nutritive properties of desi ghee are good for building immunity to fight diseases like corona and more. A ghee manufacturer cannot claim the organic status of his produced ghee no matter how pure it is unless an organic product certifier officially endorses it as a certified organic product. Organic status is a matter of extensive chemical testing and checking of the product’s manufacturing process and quality/traceability of raw ingredients, etc.As Milkio Foods maintains the organic protocols for making the ghee. These protocols are:
- Organic cows get grass and grass-based foods as food
- These cows are never treated with antibiotics and hormone-based medicines
- Organic farms collect organic grass, which is cultivated without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
The milk collected from an authentic is found to be more nutritious than the dairy firms, which are non-organic. An increased omega-3 and other fatty acids benefit the heart, brain, eye health, and other tissue functions. Few recent studies have revealed that organic ghee’s overall fat composition (total omega-3, ALA, and CLA antioxidants are significantly higher) is more balanced than non-organic varieties.
6. CLA (conjugated linoleic acid):
Organic Pure Cows Ghee contains a comparatively higher amount of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) as compared to non-organic varieties of milk fats. CLA offers health benefits like altered nutrient partitioning, improved lipid metabolism, immunity enhancement, and improved bone mineralization. The amount of CLA in organic milk is higher (pasture-browsed cow milk contains 2-3 times higher concentration of CLA), and for genuine reasons, organic ghee contains more CLA in it.
7. Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
The omega-3 fatty acid is another healthy fat content available in higher quantities from Organic Pure Cows Ghee clarified butter than non-organic ghee. An increased omega-3 and other fatty acids benefit the heart, brain, eye health, and other tissue functions. Few recent studies have revealed that organic ghee’s overall fat composition (total omega-3, ALA, and CLA antioxidants are significantly higher) is more balanced than non-organic varieties. The high saturated fat content makes the ghee ketogenic diet friendly.
8. Beta-carotene
Natural dairy farming maintain their feed quality grass-based. These farms feed their cows mostly grass, and grass-based foods, organic milk, and ghee made from organic milk butter contain more beta-carotene (Vitamin A) than conventionally grain-fed cows. Beta carotene works for the good health of the eye, heart, and skincare.
9. Sensory Properties
Organic Pure Cows Ghee butter contains a better flavor than non-organic ghee. It is creamier in texture, and the color of the ghee is more yellow because of the higher amount of beta-carotene in it. Organic ghee is pure, so it stays longer on a kitchen shelf: it is highly shelf-stable. Organic Pure Cows Ghee is a Keto diet and Paleo-friendly.
These are why organic ghee can offer better health benefits than non-organic varieties. However, you must use the best quality grass-fed ghee to enjoy its optimum benefit. Bring home Milkio grass-fed ghee and stay healthy at its best with the dietary support of this superfood.
Frequently Ask Question (FAQ)
How Is Organic Pure Cows Ghee Different From Normal Ghee?
Answer: Organic Pure Cows Ghee is derived from the milk of cows that only depend on natural grass for food. No chemicals, antibiotics, or supplements are given to these cows, so their milk is completely natural and free from any harmful elements.
Which Vitamins Are in Organic Pure Cows Ghee ?
Answer: Organic Pure Cows Ghee contains very important vitamins like vitamins A, D, K, and E. These vitamins are fat-soluble.
Does Organic Pure Cows Ghee Have Omega 3?
Answer: Yes, as Organic Pure Cows Ghee get a huge level of omega-3 from natural grass, this ghee contains a high amount of omega-3 or also known as ‘healthy fats’.
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